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When the going gets tough, we stick together

International Human Rights programme / Partner story

JRS Croatia staff members distributing food and other essential goods.

Many refugees are subject to difficult living conditions and have limited access to healthcare, making them especially vulnerable to this outbreak along with its social and economic repercussions. Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) is an international Catholic organisation with a mission to accompany, serve and advocate for the rights of refugees and others who are forcibly displaced.

During the confinement, JRS Europe continued to work to ensure that refugees were not abandoned during this time of uncertainty. Across Europe, its national offices helped distribute food, medicine and other essential goods to vulnerable families. Additionally, since many migrants in detention have been released without alternative, some of their offices are helping set up temporary housing solutions.

‘Ensuring refugees are protected is, in these circumstances more than ever, in the interest of the whole society,’ says Jose Ignacio Garcia SJ, Director of JRS Europe.

JRS falls under Oak’s International Human Right’s Programme. You can read more about the programme strategy here.