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Opening up access to higher education globally

Special Interest programme / Partner story

Photo by Keira Burton from Pexels 

University of the People, based in the US, believes that access to higher education is a key ingredient in the promotion of world peace and global economic development. It was founded to ensure that all qualified high school graduates, regardless of financial, geographic, political, or personal constraints, could pursue higher education.  

It views higher education as a basic right and believes that it can both transform the lives of individuals and be an important force for societal change. The University seeks to open its gates to as many students as possible through a combination of strategies, including supporting students with their applications to strengthen them for the recruitment process and expanding its reach to underserved communities. 

In 2020, many students were at risk of withdrawing due to job loss or other financial burdens caused by Covid-19, but University of the People was able to extend financial assistance to all 1,105 students who reached out asking for help.  

One of the students granted financial assistance is Ahmed, who said, “I joined the University of the People to improve as a person and to have a better life for me and my family”. Because of the pandemic he lost his job and could no longer afford tuition, but thanks to the support he received, he has been able to continue his studies.  

Oak supports the University of the People through our Special Interest Programme, which you can read more about here.