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Oak partner named in the Top 20 of Apolitical’s 100 Most Influential People working on gender policy

Partner story

“If there has been a revolution in the lives of women, then there has to be one in the lives of men. We want to make sure that this revolution goes to the roots of patriarchy.”

– Gary Barker, President and CEO, Promundo

Gary Barker, president and CEO of Promundo, has been listed in the Top 20 of Apolitical’s 100 Most Influential People Working in Gender Policy, which celebrates people who work for a fairer world through policy-making, research and advocacy.

Gary Barker has dedicated decades of his life to the field of gender justice through research and programme development in engaging men and boys in the prevention of violence. Oak is pleased that through this nomination, his efforts are being recognised.

Promundo carries out rigorous research and evaluation efforts, gender-transformative programming, and targeted advocacy efforts to engage men and boys in achieving gender equality and violence prevention. A partner of Oak’s Prevent Child Sexual Abuse Programme (Prevent CSA), Promundo has a reach of nearly 10 million individuals and works in over 45 countries. Fostering partnerships with health and education professionals, police and military personnel, as well as government officials, Promundo works to create change at multiple levels.

“Promundo’s programmes continue to have a profound impact in reducing violence against women and children,” says Helena Duch, programme officer for Oak’s Prevent CSA Programme. “Promundo’s work has helped reduce intimate partner violence and shift related attitudes among more than 250,000 young men and women across 40 countries. In addition, it has empowered more than 50,000 fathers across 10 countries to become better parents.”


Photo: © YanLev / Shutterstock

Oak’s Prevent CSA Programme envisions a world in which all children are protected from sexual abuse and sexual exploitation. To this end, we support initiatives that: eliminate the sexual exploitation of children; engage men and boys in combating the sexual abuse of children; and promote the prevention of violence against children.

Check out a recent interview with Gary Barker that featured in The Future of Masculinity and on Promundo’s website here.

© Promundo
© Oak Foundation