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Wildlife rebounds in Mozambique

Environment programme / Partner story

© Photo by kolibri5 from Pixabay

Following years of civil war and habitat loss, wildlife numbers in Mozambique declined by 90 per cent. Today, thanks to the collaborative efforts of a range of organisations, these numbers are rebounding. Mozambique is now home to approximately 740 bird, 200 mammal, 170 reptile, and 40 amphibian species. More than 100,000 large animals now populate Gorongosa National Park.

One of the organisations dedicated to wildlife conservation in Mozambique is the Mozambique Wildlife Alliance (MWA), a home-grown, innovative not-for-profit organisation. MWA’s vision is to create a platform for collaborative veterinary and conservation actions in Mozambique that will connect and support partners, promote coexistence with communities, and increase conservation impact for people, wildlife, and the habitat they share across Mozambique.

MWA has launched a team of highly trained veterinarians who are working in six provinces across Mozambique. In the first few months of 2022, the team helped treat 119 elephants, 79 carnivores, 19 rhinoceros, 15 wild dogs and 1 hyena, 4 pangolins, 19 ungulates, 1 marine turtle, and 494 domestic dogs.

In just two years, MWA has led or been involved in several exciting historical achievements. For example, MWA’s rhino dehorning efforts helped make 2021 the first year in which increased recorded rhino births have led to a growing population of white and black rhinos living permanently in the country. In addition, after 50 years of extinction in central Mozambique, MWA assisted with the reintegration of cheetahs to the region.

This grant falls under Oak Foundation’s Environment Programme, and within that our Wildlife Conservation and Trade Sub-programme. Through the Environment Programme, we seek to safeguard our future by restoring our connection to nature. We support local and regional projects that put people at the heart of conservation – especially women, youth, farmers, and herders, and other traditional leadership. You can read more about the programme here. To find out more about MWA, visit its website here.