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Fonden for Socialt Ansvar: pooling resources

Oak Foundation Denmark programme / Partner story

Photo: © Fonden for Socialt Ansvar

“We take responsibility. We are caring. We are committed.”

Fonden for Socialt Ansvar facilitates the operations of independent not-for-profit organisations in Copenhagen. While the organisations work on various social causes, their close proximity to each other enables them to: learn from each other; lower costs by sharing facilities; and avail of the support, knowledge and capacity building efforts of Fonden for Socialt Ansvar.

Fonden for Socialt Ansvar strengthens these organisations, which work with children, young adults and families in Denmark. It facilitates bringing together volunteers to help find long-lasting solutions for some of the most invisible and neglected social issues in the country.

Hundreds of volunteers work on various social projects, placing the importance of maintaining strong family ties at the centre of their work. For example, through the ‘Neighbourhood Mothers’ programme, more than 700 mothers from ethnic minority groups are connected with volunteers who help the women better navigate their lives in Denmark. This can be overwhelming for many of the women, often newly arrived, and it helps to reduce their feelings of isolation and promote better integration. Another successful project, ‘Baba’ connects immigrant fathers with local volunteers to help reinforce their confidence in how they can participate meaningfully in their children’s lives. Research has shown that children who are raised by engaged fathers have a stronger sense of wellbeing and are less likely to get involved in crime or to develop addictive habits.

With the staff’s passion and tenacity, Fonden for Socialt Ansvar is making a difference in Denmark, both to the lives of the children and families they directly support and to how members of the society view volunteering for social enterprises.

This grant falls under Oak Foundation Denmark, which supports broad, professional, holistic and innovative approaches that tackle social issues at the root. To find out more, read about Oak Foundation Denmark’s strategy here or visit the Oak Foundation Denmark website here (in Danish).

Source: Oak Foundation Annual Report 2018