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Connecting funders to new facets of conservation

Environment programme / Partner story

Photo by redcharlie on Unsplash

When conservation is done right, we can all live together harmoniously in ways that benefit both humans and nature.

When we don’t live in harmony with nature, we quickly see the consequences. In the last year, the world has watched wildfires raging from the Western United States to Australia. The global economy ground to halt due to a virus suspected to have spread from bats to people through wild food markets. And David Attenborough issued a clarion call for biodiversity on Instagram that reached one million followers in less than five hours!

The International Conservation Caucus Foundation (ICCF) is at the forefront of building political will to improve governance of natural resources. It coordinates interactions between the United States and international policy makers, conservation organisations, and government agencies in support of conservation programmes.

It also facilitates the work of parliamentary caucuses to toughen policies, coordinate across borders, and access international support for conservation. Recently, ICCF extended its political organising reach from the United States to the United Kingdom, where it will support the recently established All-Parliamentary Group on International Conservation. At the same time, ICCF also supported similar efforts in Southern Africa in Angola, Botswana, and South Africa. The hope is that decision-makers directing resources for international conservation can speak directly to the decision-makers who are managing the world’s natural resources on the other side of the globe.

Oak supports individuals and collectives working in conservation to build effective land and wildlife management programmes. Our partners aim to create economic opportunities and tangible economic investments that do not industrialise or exploit the landscape, contribute to the loss of social or natural value, or fundamentally damage its ecological integrity. We believe that together we can build a resilient future. If you want to know more about what our Wildlife, Conservation, and Trade sub-programme is doing, check out the Environment Programme’s strategy page on our website.