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Canada passes most progressive Fishery Act yet

Environment programme / Partner story

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More than 13 per cent of fish populations in Canada are critically depleted and only 34 per cent of fish populations are healthy. The modernised Fisheries Act, which became law in June 2019, aims to turn this statistic around. For the first time since the act’s inception in 1868, rebuilding plans are now required for all depleted fish populations.

“Rebuilding fish populations can increase revenue and jobs in coastal communities. The United States has some of the most stringent and effective legislation in the world mandating fisheries rebuilding. It has successfully rebuilt a total of 45 fish stocks resulting in more resilient ecosystems and greater economic opportunities for the fishing industry,” says Oceana Canada executive director Joshua Laughren, .

History has demonstrated time and time again that the true catalyst of fishery recovery is legally binding agreements to rebuild fish populations. Through such agreements, the US has successfully rebuilt 45 fish populations and demonstrated how the potential of doing so has to increase revenue and jobs in coastal communities.

In addition to mandating rebuilding plans, the modernised Fisheries Act upholds the rights of Indigenous Peoples, incorporates modern fisheries management practices, restores important habitat protection measures and ends the import and export of shark fins in Canada. This last provision is a huge victory for sharks since Canada is the largest importer of shark fins outside Asia.

This grant falls within Oak’s Environment Programme, through which we provide support to organisations addressing marine conservation, climate change and wildlife conservation. We envision a world where our children will grow up in a clean, safe climate, our oceans are healthy and free of plastic and endangered wildlife can live in safety. Check out our website to find out more:

Read more here about the most progressive fishery act yet: