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#BeBrave Global Survivors Action Summit

Prevent Child Sexual Abuse programme / Partner story

Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi from Pexels

Every year millions of children become the victim of sexual violence. Since the topic of sexual violence is still taboo, the lasting damage remains hidden. A strong movement of survivors of childhood sexual abuse with allies is required to end all violence against children.

Oak Foundation is honoured to support the Brave Movement, a global movement of survivors and allies advocating for transformational change. On April 27, it launched at the first ever #BeBrave Global Survivors Action Summit. The Brave Movement is hosted by Together for Girls, a partnership that works to raise awareness, promote evidence-based solutions, and galvanise multi-sectoral action to end violence against children. 

Survivors and allies attended the summit united by the common vision of ending all forms of sexual violence against children and adolescents everywhere. International journalist and broadcaster Femi Oke moderated the summit, which provided a platform for adult survivors of child sexual violence and allies from around the world, including leaders who developed Calls to Action in 22 countries from 5 continents. Together they are demanding bold and transformational action towards prevention, healing, and justice as fast as possible by governments and private sector leaders.  

“Today sexual violence continues to affect hundreds of millions of individuals around the world. It doesn’t have to be this way. We know enough to act today,” says executive director and CEO of Together for Girls Daniela Ligiero. She explained how #BeBrave Global Survivors Action Summit is a survivor-centred global advocacy movement that stands in solidarity with the broader feminist and gender-based violence movements, as well as movements against all forms of violence against children. “Our movement is guided by a powerful group of 15 survivor leaders from around the world. I am honoured to be one of them,” said Daniela. “Our movement is also supported by allied organisations who join us in calling for transformative action from leaders and institutions towards ending violence against children.” 

Oak Foundation President Douglas Griffiths shares Oak’s commitment towards supporting and investing in survivors who are demanding radical change. The next global moment identified by #BeBRAVE is the upcoming meeting of G7 heads of states from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, and the United States. “Survivor-led groups have identified the upcoming G7 summit in Germany as an opportunity to put the prevention of child sexual abuse at the top of their agenda,” said Doug. “We are pleased to announce new grants totaling USD 300,000 to support survivor-led organisations in five of the G7 states. Alongside the BRAVE movement, these organisations will encourage the G7 leaders to commit resources towards prevention and healing, make policy changes to the statute of limitations towards prosecution, and tackle online child sexual abuse. Oak Foundation is proud to partner with these groups and we invite others to join this movement.’”

Brigette De Lay, director of Oak’s Prevent Child Sexual Abuse Programme, called for the neglected issue of child sexual abuse to become a political priority. “Governments need to invest in prevention research to stop harm before it occurs,” she said. “We need more knowledge to scale effective solutions and we have to invest in activists who will drive the political pressure to hold governments accountable.” 

You can re-watch the #BeBrave Global Survivors Action Summit by clicking here. Support #BeBrave at the G7 by signing its petition by clicking here.

This partnership falls under Oak Foundation’s Prevent Child Sexual Abuse Programme, which supports networks that strengthen the movement to end child sexual abuse, survivor groups and other catalytic or time-bound initiatives that advance our mission. You can read more about the programme by clicking here