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Cooking up a storm in a drought

Oak Foundation Denmark programme / Partner story

Photo provided by Dryers Fond

During lockdown, many places that provided support and meals to homeless people and vulnerable families closed. Many of Oak’s partners around the world rose to the occasion and worked tirelessly to provide food and shelter to vulnerable people during this time. For example, a Michelin 2-star restaurant in Copenhagen called Alchemist used its high-tech kitchens for the project Junkfood, which produced hundreds of meals daily for people experiencing homelessness.

This came about when Chef Rasmus Munk and his team of voluntary chefs decided to use their time and resources to make a difference, when his restaurant was ordered to close because of government regulations. They prepared food for those in need, which was nutritious, calorie dense, tasty, and at the same time easy to chew and digest – this is especially important for those with dental problems. 

Learn more about the project by watching the following video produced by the Danish foundation Dreyers Fond, or by checking out Junkfood’s website.

Thanks to support from Seier Capital, Dreyers Fond and Oak Foundation, the project has been able to continue at a new location after Alchemist re-opened for normal business. Read more about our Danish partners and our programme strategy here.